Membership :
- There shall be three main categories of membership for JITO UK: ‘Chief Patrons’, ‘Patrons’ and
‘Annual Members’. JITO UK memberships are offered to individuals who identify oneself as a
‘JAIN’. - The membership benefits should only be used by the original, named individual. There is no
provision to avail the membership for a group of related or non-related individuals classed as a
family, commercial entity or non-profit organisation. - Annual membership will remain valid for 12 calendar months starting from January to December
for each year. Anyone joining during the calendar year shall be charged quarterly pro-rata
portion basis, e.g. payment receipt i.e. annual membership registration on 15th May 2023 will be
charged £75 for the remaining calendar year and membership expiring by 31st Dec 2023. - For Chief Patrons and Patrons, membership shall commence from the start of the calendar year
and remain valid till the end of 40th calendar year, e.g. full patronship payment received on 15th
July 2017 shall get membership tenure from 01 Jan 2017 till 31 December 2057. - All members shall be eligible to participate in the Annual General Meeting proceedings, vote for
election of executive directors, shareholders and working board members as per the election
framework. Refer to Framework. - JITO UK membership doesn’t confer any rights towards other JITO UK chapters or regions,
save only the rights granted to all JITO members for attending events, webinars, and use of JBN
and similar such facilities that may be developed in future. In case of any doubt, JITO UK
members must have written agreement from other relevant Chapters to engage. - JITO UK also has the provision to nominate limited numbers of Associate Members from the
wider community including those who don’t identify oneself as ‘JAIN’ but aligns with Jain
principles and values. Appointment of Associate Members is subject to the board approval. The
board reserves the right to refuse without giving any reason to the applicant. - The rights of Associate Members remain restricted to only participation in events and activities
organised by the JITO UK or partner organisation. Other restrictions may apply such as
upgrading memberships, filling any official board position, taking part in AGM or electioning
process including voting. Associate Membership can be availed on an annual basis with similar
tenure and fees as ‘Annual Members’.
Membership Fees :
- Membership fees for chief patron, patron and annual members are £11,000, £1000 and £100 respectively. JITO UK Board reserves the right to change the membership fees at its discretion.
- All membership relevant payment should be made via bank transfer to JITO UK Bank account or other recommended payment process by the JITO UK Board. Membership shall be valid only from the day payment is received by the JITO UK Bank account.
- All membership fees including any renewal payment should be paid in single instalment unless other arrangements are approved by the current JITO UK Board of Directors and/or committee as long as paid within one calendar year from the start.
- The Chief Patrons and Patron Members shall be entitled to renew their membership for an additional period of 40 years at the end of their previous tenure by paying the difference, if any, in the amount of contribution prevailing at the time of renewal and the amount paid by them at the time of taking the initial membership.
- Upgrade of Annual membership to higher tier i.e. Patron or Chief Patron is permitted within the first two continued calendar years by paying the remainder amount in a single instalment. Any such upgrade after two years will be considered as a new sign-up requiring full payment for the respective membership.
- Membership fees shall not guarantee any exclusive rebate or discounts towards JITO UK or any partnered events or activities and not construed as direct financial benefits of the membership.
Cancellation and Refunds:
- Members have the right to cancel the membership. Requests for cancellation can be made in writing to at or
- Membership fees are not refundable on cancellation under any circumstances
Transfers Rules:
- Annual memberships cannot be transferred and may only be used by the original, named individual for the duration of membership term.
- The Chief Patron and Patron members are entitled to two (2) opportunities for transferring their membership to a family member within the forty (40) year term period. Here “Family members” means wife, husband, Father (includes step-Father), Mother (includes step-mother), Son (includes step-son), Son’s wife, Daughter, Brother (includes step-brother), Sister (includes step-sister), Son-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law, only till such time that the Member and/or the Family member is/remains a “JAIN”.
- Provision for first membership transfer known as “Administrative Changes” is permissible within the first two calendar years from the start of Chief Patronship or Patronship. The second transferknown as “Life Changing Event” shall be exercised to manage life changing events such as but not limited to; retirement, critical illness, incapacity or death etc. Both transfers are optional and subject to the approval of the current JITO UK board and in line with these terms.
- In the event of death within the term of membership, JITO UK will allow posthumous transfer of membership to a family member according to these articles.
- The individual Chief Patron and Patron Members shall be able to transfer their membership to one of their Family members before the expiry period of forty years by communicating in writing about the same to the JITO UK Board of Directors and Committee and if approved in accordance with these Articles, the interest of such Member for such unexpired period will stand transferred to his/her designated family member.
- Transfer of membership shall not be linked with Annual General Meeting proceedings or election of board positions at the JITO UK board. It is at the discretion of the current JITO UK board to allow any transferee to take part in electioning process.
- Any serving board member may be eligible for transfer, subject to following conditions. Transferee will not be eligible to take the board position and transfer would be governed by the same parameter if the transferer were to continue as the board member with regards to future eligibility to be elected on the board. The transferer immediately relinquishes board position upon submission of a valid request.
Variation :
- At its absolute discretion, the current JITO UK Board may at any time alter, amend, change, modify or withdraw any of the membership benefits, fees and terms and conditions.
- It will be your responsibility to keep up-to date with all such changes to personal details, your membership renewal and continued use of the Member Services shall be deemed acceptance of any changes to these terms and conditions
Data Protection:
- For your security and peace of mind, JITO UK will not supply personal details to any organisation for marketing purposes.
- To realise the maximum value of membership services including, but not limited to, event registration, individual participation and/or access to the global JITO network; time to time JITO UK to securely process and share contact details with other relevant JITO chapters and partner organisations unless formally notified to withdraw consent. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you agree to the use of your information as set out in our Privacy policy.