I write this to express kudos & congratulations for the exemplary event “Beyond Boundaries” & “Jitopreneurs 2017” organized by JITO UK. Please also accept my profound thanks & gratitude for such wonderful hospitality you extended to me which I will cherish for years to come. After reaching home I have talked with many of our friends here in India who could not attend the event and I have told them that they have missed a great opportunity. Such event like “Jitopreneurs 2017” happens only once in a while and it is not only the testimony of the capabilities of JITO UK, but also the testimony of your vision, meticulous planning and your great clout to bring such finest luminaries as the speakers & distinguished guests. Looking to the entire event from the first moment onwards I can well imagine what tireless efforts must have gone behind it to make it such a smooth sailing affair.
For years to come, we will cherish having heard such great luminaries & business magnets as ShriLaxmi Mittalji, Shri Gopichandji Hinduja, Shri Anil Agarwal and many others. The entire event was an “Orientation” in itself even for those who have already achieved enormous success in their lives. Looking back upon “Jitopreneurs 2017” I must say that it has proved to be a “Feather in the Cap” for JITO UK & JITO APEX. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Please do visit us here in Ahmedabad and provide us an opportunity to reciprocate the hospitality.

JITO International Summit and JITOpreneurs 2017 will be remembered as one of the prominent events of JITO, wherein 300 delegates including prominent persons from 23 countries took active part and shared their valuable views on how to connect and collaborate beyond boundaries. We would like to thank you for your sincere efforts to organise dignitaries, plan the event and impeccable execution of the entire program. Your contribution to make this happen will always be remembered and taken in high spirits. All the inputs & thoughts shared by the speakers and participants would be considered and accordingly the plans and strategies would be prepared for taking JITO Initiative in various countries.
We would also request you to keep up the same spirit and momentum and make sure that the efforts put in by you come up with flying colors in the form of new initiatives in other parts of the world. You may kindly let us know of any support required from Apex in this endeavor of yours. We are happy to share that chapters launch at 7 places have already been scheduled. Other International destinations are very much under progress.This is an outcome of serious involvement, willingness & trust of the delegates shown in the philosophy of JITO. We once again thank you for making this event a very purposeful one & look forward to your continued spirit for an outstanding support. Together..........Lets change the world........Lets Connect Beyond Boundaries!!

May 30 – 04 June 2017 was my first visit to UK exploring potential customer for our business. Though I have travelled to various places but still there was many thoughts hovering in my mind, about safety, about culture, about business practices and what not... Just 2 days before coming to UK, I spoke with Sh Vijay Jirawla ji about JITO UK Chapter and I was lucky enough to speak with Sh Kiran Ji Mehta sahib who is the Chapter Chairman of JITO UK Chapter. It was very nice to speaking with him and he very calmly listened to all my concerns and requirements, and immediately shared my details with JITO UK Chapter. It was his extra care and effort that I started getting responses on whatsapp and email immediately from the JITO UK members. These all were smart and talented business owners at UK who were someway or the other related to my requirements. It was like I was among the knowns and the network was already there to support a new member. I released the power of JITO and I will always be thankful to JITO fraternity for providing such a nice platform. It was really amazing how JITO UK Chapter is functioning, all the members are staying so far from each other and still they doing a great work. Professional approach, regular meetings, strong leadership and dynamic work force gets clearly depicted in JITO UK Chapter.
This was neither a formal JBN meet up nor any big event like that of JITO Good2Great, but was far more effective and supportive. Mehta sb and his wife took really good care of me while I was in UK, like we were know for quite a long time, we even had home made food at his house and also been to places around with the family. It was really exciting to see the Manchester stadium and the grand Trafford Shopping centre. I can never forget the support and hospitality extended by Sh. Mehta sir and the entire JITO UK members and apologize for the delay in sharing this. Reason why I could write about it even after 5 months is that the memories and feelings are still fresh and will always be. I will always be thankful to Sh Mehta Sb, Mr Jay Kothari, Mr Rakesh Manihar, Mr Mayur Sancheti and everyone else with whom I got in touch with, without their support and care. These are just a few pics, memories are countless...

Dear Kiranbhai
I take this opportunity to congratulate you for creating history in JITO. JITOPRENEURS was the best Business and Networking event organized in JITO till date. 300 Delegates,24 countries and 50 Speakers,3 Palaces, in 3 days itself speaks volumes of the event. I would like to add that the Speakers were really good. The topics selected were very interesting. The event management in terms of Logistics, Time management, Food and overall ambience were truly world class. To top it all the Delegate profile was also great we had business leaders and professionals form various countries across the globe which provided a great opportunity for B2B.
You have raised the Bar for G2G Event so high that it will be difficult for anyone to match it. I had also seen the entire UK team on their feet 24x7 working hard to ensure the success of the event. I must appreciate the great team work of Team UK. The Four days at JITOPRENEURS will be one of the most memorable days of my life. I thank you for the same. Congratulations & Thank-you once again.